BouncyCastle.Cryptography 2.5.0

The Bouncy Castle Cryptography Library For .NET

NuGet NuGet

The Bouncy Castle Cryptography library is a .NET implementation of cryptographic algorithms and protocols. It was developed by the Legion of the Bouncy Castle, a registered Australian Charity, with a little help! The Legion, and the latest goings on with this package, can be found at

In addition to providing basic cryptography algorithms, the package also provides support for CMS, OpenPGP, (D)TLS, TSP, X.509 certificate generation and more. The package also includes implementations of the following NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization algorithms: CRYSTALS-Dilithium, CRYSTALS-Kyber, Falcon, SPHINCS+, Classic McEliece, FrodoKEM, NTRU, NTRU Prime, Picnic, Saber, BIKE, and SIKE. These should all be considered EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal. SIKE in particular is already slated for removal and should be used for research purposes only.

The Legion also gratefully acknowledges the contributions made to this package by others (see here for the current list). If you would like to contribute to our efforts please feel free to get in touch with us or visit our donations page, sponsor some specific work, or purchase a support contract.

Except where otherwise stated, this software is distributed under a license based on the MIT X Consortium license. To view the license, see here. This software includes a modified Bzip2 library, which is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0.

Note: This source tree is not the FIPS version of the APIs - if you are interested in our FIPS version please visit us here or contact us directly at

Installing BouncyCastle

You should install BouncyCastle with NuGet:

Install-Package BouncyCastle.Cryptography

Or via the .NET Core command line interface:

dotnet add package BouncyCastle.Cryptography

Either commands, from Package Manager Console or .NET Core CLI, will download and install BouncyCastle.Cryptography.

Mailing Lists

For those who are interested, there are 2 mailing lists for participation in this project. To subscribe use the links below and include the word subscribe in the message body. (To unsubscribe, replace subscribe with unsubscribe in the message body)

NOTE: You need to be subscribed to send mail to the above mailing list.


If you want to provide feedback directly to the members of The Legion then please use If you want to help this project survive please consider donating.

For bug reporting/requests you can report issues on github, or via if required. We will accept pull requests based on this repository as well, but only on the basis that any code included may be distributed under the Bouncy Castle License.



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基于 Flurl.Http 的微信 API 客户端,支持公众平台(订阅号、服务号、小程序、小游戏、小商店、视频号)、开放平台等平台,支持基础服务、模板消息、订阅消息、客服消息、动态消息、菜单管理、素材管理、留言管理、用户管理、账号管理、草稿箱、发布能力、数据统计、微信门店、微信小店、视频号小店、智能接口、一物一码、微信发票、微信非税缴费、插件管理、附近的小程序、小程序码、小程序搜索、URL Scheme、URL Link、即时配送、物流助手、直播、生物认证、虚拟支付、开放数据、对局匹配、帧同步、内容安全、安全风控、交易组件、小程序联盟、第三方平台、服务平台等功能。
基于 Flurl.Http 的企业微信 API 客户端,支持企业内部开发、第三方应用开发、服务商代开发、智慧硬件开发模式,支持基础服务、通讯录管理、身份验证、企业互联、上下游、消息推送、应用管理、素材管理、电子发票、客户联系、微信客服、企业支付、会话内容存档、家校沟通、家校应用、政民沟通、邮件、文档、日程、会议、微盘、直播、公费电话、打卡、审批、汇报、人事助手、会议室、紧急通知应用、硬件云端接入等功能。
基于 Flurl.Http 的微信支付 API v3 版客户端,支持商户(直连)、合作伙伴(服务商、渠道商、机构、银行)模式,支持基础支付、代金券、商家券、委托营销、消费卡、支付有礼、银行定向促活、微信支付分、微信先享卡、支付即服务、点金计划、智慧商圈、电商收付通、平台收付通、二级商户进件、小微商户进件、消费者投诉、商户风控管理、商户违规通知、批量转账到零钱、银行组件、海关报关、融合钱包、微工卡、电子发票、电子小票、车主平台、教育续费通、校园轻松付等功能。

.NET Framework 4.6.1

  • No dependencies.

.NET 6.0

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.NET Standard 2.0

  • No dependencies.

Version Downloads Last updated
2.5.0 13 02/13/2025
2.4.0 33 12/07/2024
2.3.0 282 05/31/2024