by: Rico Suter
- 26 total downloads
- Latest version: 11.0.0
JSON Schema reader, generator and validator for .NET
by: Shay Rojansky Nikita Kazmin Brar Piening Yoh Deadfall Austin Drenski Emil Lenngren Francisco Figueiredo Jr. Kenji Uno
- 424 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.0.11
Npgsql is the open source .NET data provider for PostgreSQL.
by: Shay Rojansky
- 113 total downloads
- Latest version: 5.0.11
PostGIS plugin for Npgsql, allowing mapping of PostGIS types to the legacy types (e.g. PostgisPoint).
by: Yoh Deadfall Shay Rojansky
- 100 total downloads
- Latest version: 5.0.11
NetTopologySuite plugin for Npgsql, allowing mapping of PostGIS geometry types to NetTopologySuite types.
by: Tony Qu NPOI Contributors
- 86 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.7.0
.NET port of Apache POI | Contact us on telegram: https://t.me/npoidevs
by: Microsoft
- 21 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.9.1
Common utilities and interfaces for all NuGet libraries.
by: Microsoft
- 25 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.9.1
NuGet's configuration settings implementation.
by: Microsoft
- 19 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.9.1
NuGet's PackageReference dependency resolver implementation.
by: Microsoft
- 20 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.9.1
NuGet's understanding of target frameworks.
by: Microsoft
- 18 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.9.1
NuGet's types and interfaces for understanding dependencies.
by: Microsoft
- 22 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.9.1
NuGet's understanding of packages. Reading nuspec, nupkgs and package signing.
by: Microsoft
- 18 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.9.1
NuGet's core types and interfaces for PackageReference-based restore, such as lock files, assets file and internal restore models.
by: Microsoft
- 21 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.9.1
NuGet's implementation for interacting with feeds. Contains functionality for all feed types.
by: Microsoft
- 24 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.9.1
NuGet's implementation of Semantic Versioning.
by: The OpenTracing Authors
- 413 total downloads
- Latest version: 0.12.1
This library is a .NET implementation of the OpenTracing API. To fully understand this platform API, it's helpful to be familiar with the OpenTracing project and terminology more generally.
For the time being, mild backwards-incompatible changes may be made without changing the major version number. As OpenTracing and opentracing-csharp mature, backwards compatibility will become more of a priority.
by: Catcher Wong
- 92 total downloads
- Latest version: 0.1.3
OpenTracing with AspNetCore
by: Oracle
- 56 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.21.120
Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) Core is an ADO.NET driver that provides fast data access from Microsoft .NET Core clients to Oracle databases. ODP.NET Core consists of a single 100% managed code dynamic-link library.
by: Sebastien Ros
- 17 total downloads
- Latest version: 0.0.24
Parlot is a fast, lightweight and simple to use .NET parser combinator.
by: David Sungaila
- 1 total downloads
- Latest version: 5.0.0
A .NET library to render PDF files into images.
by: netcorepal
- 94 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.0.2
Microsoft.International.Converters.PinYinConverter in Microsoft Visual Studio International Pack 1.0 SR1 .net core suport